Hello Everyone!!
We would like to thank everyone from our Instagram, Facebook, Twitter channels for taking the time to wish Happy Birthday to our son!
Our son was born on September 29th at approximately 10:00 in the morning. After twelve hours of labor, he came into this world weighting 5.5 lbs and measuring 19 inches long.
He was small and long but it took very little time for this baby boy to put up some serious weight and his length was above the charts.

He was three months old when we celebrated our first Christmas together.
Our baby was so chunky, long but most of all, he was adored by all!
He has always been a happy and active baby.
At five months old, he was part of Savannah's Cutest Baby contest!
His smile and laugh has and continues to be infectious!

Experiencing one of Daddy's favorite hobbies at just 8 months old!
He loved been on the boat but he loved his little inflatable boat even more!
Learning how to crawl at nine months old, he has kept grandmother on her toes
since that day!
Dear Son:
You are now nine years old... and we are so happy and proud of you! Being a parent is not easy, at times it can be scary. You see, children don't come with an "instruction" book that will tell us how to deal with every situation. Therefore, we have to try our very best to guide our children in the right direction.
We want you to know that we love you very much and we are so proud of everything you have accomplished in just nine years. You may think we are mean because we won't allow you to quit when a situation gets difficult. But by not allowing you to easily quit, your father and I are trying to prepare you for the future by teaching you that you most continue to try. We want you to be able to reach your goals even when the obstacles seem too high.
Remember that a lot of people loves you, Grandmother, Papa, your Aunts, Uncles, cousins, all your friends and classmates. But most importantly, GOD loves you, no matter what, when or where, he will always be there for you. You only need to reach for him.
I know you most get tired of us telling you that "you need to be more responsible" and to "pay more attention". You see son, nothing in this life is easy or free and yes, we do know school isn't always fun, but it is very important that you learn these things, so that you can take advantage of your education, so that one day you may have good career options.
You are smart, talented in so many ways. Don't ever forget to stay true to yourself and always be thankful for everything you have been blessed with. Daddy and I have tried to teach you and will continue to teach you the difference between right and wrong. Always try to be nice and kind to others because those simple actions will define who you are, it is never worth been mean to others. You need to surround yourself with people who are just like you. If you are good to your friends and others then they will be good to you. A true friend is someone who compromises, listens and understands. If you see a friend who is making the wrong choices, speak up and tell them, if they fail to listen then do not follow them, ONLY follow your own path.
Don't ever try to be someone you are not, be proud of who you are. Hey, we are, so why not you!! (just to prove a point, watch yourself in this video Daddy made for you)
You are unique because GOD created you that way, and to us you are ONE PERFECT DUDE!
Love, Mommy and Daddy!
Birthday Party at Frames & Games
The moment he discovered he was given a $20.00 gift!
Ready to play Laser Tag!
5D Movies!
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