Welcome back my
Just a few more days for the big Halloween celebration and today I have
an even easier nail design!
Let's start with our latest
"stitchy" and fun design..
For this super easy and fun design I used the following:
1: SinfulColors Professional Nail Hardener as
my base coat;
2: SinfulColors
Professional #1503 Copper Pot;
3: SinfulColors
Professional #103 Black on Black;
4: Kiss Nail Art Tool Kit; and
5: SinfulColors
Professional Top Shine Coat
First, on clean nails apply a coat of SinfulColor Professionals
#901 Nail Hardener or your favorite base coat;
After your base coat is completely dry, place the design guide (of you can do it free hand if you have steady hands) close to the tip of your nail;
Apply two coats of the SinfulColors Professionals Copper Pot; (allow a few minutes in between coats for the polish to dry- NOTE: a thick coat polish takes twice as long to dry) Once the polish is dry, carefully remove the nail design strip.
For the next step, you will need the "Multi Art Brush".
Using the Multi Art
Brush carefully paint a think black line.
You can go over the black line twice if you need to.
Allow the black polish to dry completely.
Using the same brush,
now draw very thin vertical lines. You
can do them as short or long as you want the lines to be.
Make sure you allow the black polish to dry completely before applying the shiny clear top. If the polish is not completely dry, you will end with smudge lines.
and all done!! How easy and fun is this design??

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